Embrace the future of L&D but only if you’re ready!!

Ladies sitting around a table, one with a laptop and then there is a lady on a widescreen - the future of L&D

Embrace the future of L&D but only if you’re ready!! In recent months, I’ve seen several posts about the future of L&D, especially as we’ve been in lockdown due to the Covid-19 outbreak. I tend to agree that the world as we know it will change.   However, I think that there is a risk of […]

7 ways to be an effective people manager and leader

7 ways to be an effective people manager and leader There’s a difference between management and leadership but the roles are generally interchangeable for most and the terms, manager and leaders are used interchangeably in this article  So regardless of whether you’re a manager of employees or a manager of managers, there are a number […]

Online & Digital Learning: Love or Hate it? – Part 3

Image of a man sitting in front of a computer looking at something on the screen. Used in article: Digital & Online Learning - Love or hate it?

Online & Digital Learning: Love or Hate it? Part 3 of 3 article series This is the final article in a three-part article series on online and digital learning – love it or hate it? In the first article, I discussed why implementing online and digital learning can fail in organisations and in the second […]

Online & Digital Learning: Love or Hate it? – Part 2

Child using an augmented reality goggles to view new technology

Online & Digital Learning: Love or Hate it? Part 2 of 3 article series This is the second article in the 3 part article series on online and digital learning. In the first article, I discussed my first experiences of online and digital learning and why many organisations fail to make digital learning stick. In […]

Online & Digital Learning: Love or Hate it?

Image of a laptop with a notebook placed in front of it with a pen on top of the book

Online & Digital Learning: Love or Hate it? Part 1 of 3 article series First experience of e-learning at work Online and digital learning, commentators and learning practitioners seem to either love or hate it.  I was in the latter camp for years and this dislike for digital learning stemmed from the first inceptions of […]

360-degree feedback assessment vs. development debate

Two women discussing at a laptop - article title debate about 360 feedback

Weighing in on the 360-degree feedback assessment vs. development debate There has always been a debate about whether 360 feedback should be used for performance assessments and reviews. Many practitioners arguing that it should be used solely for developmental purposes.  Here I weigh in on this debate, looking at it from both sides and sharing […]